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Mess Around Ltd

2 Holywell Farm Holywell Row East England Suffolk IP28 8NL

At Mess Around our messy play parties and slime making workshops are all about creating an enchanting experience for families to bond, have fun, and create lasting memories together. We understand that the best memories are often made when families come together in an environment of joy, creativity, and shared exploration.

Our Core Values run through out every session we offer:

1. Exploring Creativity

Our business is built on the foundation of fun and creativity. We provide a safe and exciting space where families can unleash their imagination, experiment with colours, textures, and shapes, and experience the joy of getting messy together.

2. Family Fun

In today’s fast-paced world, quality family time is more precious than ever. We offer an opportunity for families to disconnect from screens and reconnect with each other while engaging in hands-on, interactive play.

3. Sparking Imaginations

Our messy play and slime making activities are not only about fun; they also promote learning in a relaxed and engaging manner. Children and adults alike can explore concepts like science, colour mixing, sensory development, and fine motor skills while having a blast.

4. Making Memories

We believe that memories are the treasures of life. By providing a unique experience that families can’t replicate at home, we create memories that will be cherished for years to come.

Mess Around is not just about mess; it’s about creating moments of joy, strengthening family bonds, and fostering creativity.

We invite families to step into our world, where mess transforms into magic and memories are made with every squish, splash, and smile. Join us in this enchanting journey of fun, discovery, and unforgettable experiences.

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