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The Nanny Connection


Here at the Nanny Connection we believe it is important to find the correct Nanny for your family and take the time to fully understand your family’s needs. In the UK, the Nanny Industry is unregulated, and without proper guidance and advice it can be easy to hire the wrong person. We have developed a thorough and stringent process, so we connect as a team, and we all understand exactly what we are looking for, before we start the Nanny search. There is no “quick fix” when it comes to childcare. If you cut corners and hire the incorrect person, this will negatively impact your timings, finances and experience of your child.

Child Vacancies


On average it takes 2-8 weeks. Every client is different, and it will depend on your unique family criteria and schedule for interviewing.

Maternity practitioners set their own rates-usually on average between £275-£375 per 24 hours gross or for night rates on average £20-£25 per hour for a minimum of 10 hours working. We will notify you of their specific rate when we send through their information. The agency fee for maternity work is £80 per week or £20 per day, plus VAT.

For permanent Nanny placements, we charge 4 x weeks gross salary. If you are working solely with us we will charge you 4 x weeks net salary. For temporary placements we charge £80 per week or £20 per day + VAT. This also applies to maternity practitioner placements. Consultancy fees for introduction are a one off fee of £45+ VAT.

On average Nanny salaries are between £18-25 gross per hour. If a Nanny is working a permanent position. they will be employed and the employer will be responsible for paying the Nanny’s tax, National Insurance and pension. As an employer you will also be responsible to have public liability insurance. We highly recommend that you hire the services of a Nanny pay roll service to help you set up as an employer, set up pay slips and guide you through the process.

Contact Us

  • Phone Number :
    Head-Office : 0207 060 3630
  • Location Address :
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