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Fun pancake day ideas

Pancake day is around the corner and is celebrated as a traditional feast day before the start of Lent.

Pancake day is great for children not only for the yummy pancakes but there are other activities which you can do with children which doesn’t involve eating food as some children may not like pancakes or just to celebrate it more.

Different toppings

Instead of just spreading your desired topping on pancakes why not make faces in them or make the pancakes out of different ingredients such as banana flavoured or chocolate or blueberry.                                                                


There are so many different games you can play some examples below

Pancake treasure hunt: Cut out some paper pancakes and hide them round the house and garden (like an Easter egg hunt). Older children could have clues on the back of each one that leads them to the next.

Pancake obstacle course: Start by cutting out some large and small paper pancakes and colour them in, writing on each one something different, below are examples of what to write on them;

  • Jump
  • Star jumps
  • Dance
  • Hop
  • Count to 10
  • Turn around 
  • Name a animal
  • Touch your toes

Place on the floor is a big area (outside or inside) and place apart in a line or a circle and take it in turns/ teams to complete the obstacle course.

Balancing pancake game

Cut out a paper pancake or a body part (head, knee, toes etc) see how long you can balance it for and/or if you can walk across the room without it falling off. This is a great way for children to understand body parts and their skills on balancing.

Flying pancake game

You will need to cute out a paper pancake and colour it in. You can either lie down on the floor and place the pancake over your face and blow into it causing it to rise up or If it's too hard for the smaller ones to blow try someone holding the pancakes in above and using a straw to blow the pancake up (If still too difficult placing the pancake on hand in front of body and blowing it in front. The winner is the persons pancake Which goes the highest/ furthest.


Some activities can include:

  • Colouring in pancakes designs (If you look on 'Free Resources' on this website you can get some FREE printable/ downloadable designs.
  • Sensory play (Flour and water, get children dirty and let them enjoy the feel of ingredients together mixing)
  • Putting flour down and using cars/trains to create a track for them. Using dolls as well and pretending they're on the beach.
  • Cutting out a cardboard circle with different colours on one side and numbers on the other and you have to say the number and using a spatula to flip over, once flipped you have to say the colour which is on the back and an object with the same colour.
  • Pancake puppet you will need to draw around a plate onto two sheets of sugar paper. Staple around the edges, leaving a gap to stuff the doll with small pieces of torn newspaper or tissue paper and then finally staple shut, and paint or decorate as you wish.


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