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Richmond Pools on the Park

London South East England Greater London TW9 2SF

If you fancy a swim with a gorgeous view of the park then go to Richmond Pools in the Park.

There’s a lot on offer for families at this swimming pool, from fitness classes such as aqua fit and deep-water aqua to swimming lessons in the main and teaching pool. There is general swim time for those who want to swim for fitness and get laps in before work or enjoy a relaxing family swim after school or over the weekend.

During the school holidays there are special swim courses on offer for children aged 3-5 and 5 and over. Children can practice their stroke, grow in confidence and even have diving lessons!

So jump on in!

Membership available

All courses run by fully qualified staff

Lessons available for children from 6 month – 16 years and over


Outdoor Activities

Sport & Leisure

Water Activities

Child Vacancies

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